March 15, Saturday
St. Patrick's Day(ish) Lunch gathering.
Please prepare in writing, two truths and a lie about yourself. You will be reading them out for the people at your table. Hopefully, this will get us all talking and learning about one another.
Woody's Pub
9882 BC-97, Lake Country
March 15, 2025 - Saturday
Arrival Time: 12:00 pm
RSVP required by March 12
April 21, Monday - Dinner Meeting at KGCC (note, this is Easter Monday, backup date April 28)
When: 5:30 pm arrival for dinner at approximately 6:00 pm
Where: 1297 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC
RSVP: Please email Patrick Saintsbury at to confirm your attendance, this is important for KGCC to know for room size/catering purposes.
May date TBD - President’s Run, Burrowing Owl/Area 27 - Pat
May 1st Membership’s Due
May 4, Sunday - British Cars At Summerhill , Bev has notified other Clubs; Register ON LINE on the Summerhill tab; Free Tasting and 15% off purchases.
May 18, Sunday - Peachland Classic Car Show, for pre-1980 vehicles, $30 entrant fee - Dennis
May 26, Monday - Dinner Meeting at KGCC
When: 5:30 pm arrival for dinner at approximately 6:00 pm
Where: 1297 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC
RSVP: Please email Dennis Campbell at to confirm your attendance,
this is important for KGCC to know for room size/catering purposes.
June 15, Sunday - CSN Father’s Day show at City Park in Kelowna
June 16, Monday, Dinner Meeting at KGCC
June 20-22, - Peach City Beach Cruise, Penticton
July 4-6 Sun Valley Cruise-In, Vernon, Nick
July 13, Sunday - Club run to the District Wine Village, Oliver BC, Ian
July 19, Saturday - World of Wheels, West Kelowna Car Show, Nick
Aug date TBD - Club run to D Dutchman Dairy, Sicamous , Ian
Sept Possible overnight run to Kaslo or Nakusp?? Details TBD
Sept 15, Monday - Dinner Meeting at KGCC
Sept 27/28, The Jag/MG club is coming to Kelowna and would like to have a joint activity with our club
Oct Thursday - United Way drive-thru breakfast
Oct 20, Monday - Annual General Meeting at KGCC
Dec - Christmas Commotion, Bev
Feb 23, Sunday - IS IT SPRING YET? Where:Edgewater Bar & Grill5830 Beach AvenuePeachland, BC V0H 1X7Date:February 23, 2025 - SundayArrival Time:12:30 Please rsvp to Bev. DO NOT “Reply All”RSVP required by February 18, 2025
Dec 1 Christmas Party will take place at the 97 th Street Pub, 2400 Hwy 97 at Leckie.
Date: December 1, 2024
Time: Gather at 5:00 pm Holiday Buffet at 6:00 pm
Location: 97 Street Pub - Cornerstone Room
2400 Highway 97 North
Kelowna, BC V1X 4J1
Cost per person: $43
Payable by e-transfer to:
RSVP by November 24, 2024 to
If you wish to participate in the Festive Frolic Gift Exchange, please bring one gift (maximum value $20) per couple
For more information email Bev. Kolosoff:
Oct 28 IMPORTANT UPDATE (Revised Date)
AGM at Kelowna Golf and Country Club
When: 5:30 pm arrival for dinner at approximately 6:00 pm
Where: 1297 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC
RSVP: Please email Dennis Campbell at to confirm your attendance,
this is important for KGCC to know for room size/catering purposes.
Oct 17 Thursday morning, October 17, gather in the Arctic Spa parking lot on Enterprise Way at 7:45 AM. Drive to and through the Ramada Inn parking lot together. Each car will receive its own 'goody bag' full of treats, coupons, and {maybe} prizes.
Our club treasurer Graham Knight in his beautiful black Jaguar is our convoy leader from Arctic Spa to the Ramada; he will submit a cheque for $200 to the United Way on behalf of all those attending. Any member who chooses may contribute over and above should they wish. .
As our club cars exit the Ramada Lot, all will turn right and proceed two blocks south of Highway 97 and meet for a coffee and some socializing at Wendy's.
It would be great to have a good representation from our club for this worthy cause.
If you plan on attending, please let Graham know by return email at
May 19 Peachland Car show. Special note: Pre 1980's cars only. $20.00 entrance fee includes a breakfast coupon. Peachland's Original Classic Car show! Vintage beauties to behold along with the amazing scenery and stops along Beach Ave.
Please contact Dennis Campbell if you plan to bring a car to the show. mailto:
May 19 West Kelowna Car Show registration is $20.00 and includes a breakfast and a swag bag. Coordinate with Nick at mailto
May 27 Dinner Meeting @ Kelowna Golf and Country Club
When: May 27th 5:30 pm arrival for dinner at approximately 6:00 pm
Where: 1297 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC
RSVP: to your club President Patrick Saintsbury by email no later than May 22nd
June 16 Father's Day CSN's car show Kelowna
June 17 Dinner Meeting at Kelowna Golf and Country Club
When: 5:30 pm arrival for dinner at approximately 6:00 pm
Where: 1297 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC
RSVP: to your club President Patrick Saintsbury by email
June 23-25 Peach City Beach Cruise Penticton -
July 5-7 Vernon Suncar show - Register at: .
The car show is on Sunday July 7. Nick and Pat will meet club members at the A&W parking lot between 7:30 and 8 am and then move to the event at Polson Park as a group. Contact Pat of you have any questions.
July 8-12 East meets West Mini Meet in Spearfish Montana
July TBD President's run, details to follow.
July 26-28 All Triumph Drive hosted by BC Triumph Registry for a whole weekend of
events at the Vernon Lodge. Register at: follow on Facebook at:
August17 Cam Jammers Car Show Downtown Armstrong. 11:00pm - 3:00pm Armstrong B.C.
If anyone is interested in attending, we should meet about 7:30- 8 am in Lake Country at the Tim Hortons, the newer one downtown on the highway\Main Street in Lake Country. Or you can join up in Armstrong, I plan on arriving in Armstrong around 9 or so.
Please let me know if you are interested in joining me, Nick at
Aug 30 All British Field Meet in Portland August 30 to September 2nd please contact Brent Warne by
Sept 8 Tentative Run in the Vernon area. Possibly meet with Kamloops
Sept 16 Members Dinner Meeting at Kelowna Golf and Country Club
When: 5:30 pm arrival for dinner at approximately 6:00 pm
Where: 1297 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC
RSVP: to your club President Patrick Saintsbury by email
When: May 5, 2024 open to the public at 11:30 am
Where: 4870 Chute Lake Rd. Kelowna
Registration is now open for the 2nd Annual British car day at Summerhill Pyramid Winery in beautiful Kelowna, BC.
Details and registration form can be found at
Register early as we are limited to 60 cars!